Online First

    Online first articles have been peer-reviewed and accepted, which are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
    N2O Emission Characteristics and Mitigation Strategies in Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactors for Wastewater Treatment
    WANG Yayi, HE Tailai, LI Jia, WU Qiaoyu, WANG Han, ZHAO Ligong
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2024070004
    Abstract PDF
    Blockchain Enabled Federal Learning: Approaches, Challenges, and Prospects
    SUN Enchang, DONG Xiaoxuan, ZHANG Hui, LI Mengsi, ZHANG Dongyin
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023060014
    Abstract PDF
    Super-elastic Liquid Metal-based Triboelectric Fibers and Textiles
    PAN Shengli, HE Huiyu, CHENG Zhaochen, XIN Litao, LI Biao, WANG Pu
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023030021
    Abstract PDF
    Calculation Method of Carbon Emissions in Embodied Phase of Energy Subway Stations
    ZHAO Xu, MENG Yajuan, ZHANG Guozhu, TAO Lianjin, SUN Kaiyue
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023050003
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Influence of Different Slope Compositions on Both Sides of the Change of Slope Point on the Fire Environment in the Herringbone Tunnel
    LI Junmei, LU Huimin, LI Yanfeng, OUYANG Li, KANG Siyan, GUO Zhicheng
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023080001
    Abstract PDF
    Improved Butterfly Optimization Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning
    WEI Bo, TANG Rongjie, ZHENG Yinghao, LU Jiakai, ZHENG Kai, LUO Jiufei, ZENG Hai
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023070022
    Abstract PDF
    Object Detection in Challenging Environments Using mmWave Radar and Vision Feature Fusion via Dual-scale CBAM
    REN Kun, LI Pan, HAN Honggui
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023070003
    Abstract PDF
    Transferable Incremental Heuristic Dynamic Programming With Wastewater Treatment Applications
    WANG Ding, LI Xin
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023080013
    Abstract PDF
    On the Quasi-Static Negative Capacitance in HfO2 -based Ferroelectrics
    YIN Zhigang, DONG Hao, CHENG Yong, WU Jinliang, ZHANG Zhiwei, ZHANG Xingwang
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023040002
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation Analysis on Ultrasonic Transmission Characteristics of State of Charge and Internal Defects of Lithium-ion Batteries
    ZHANG Binpeng, LÜ Yan, SONG Guorong, GAO Jie, LEE Yung-chun, HE Cunfu
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023030026
    Abstract PDF
    Prediction of Cement Clinker f-CaO Content Based on Cascade Forest
    LI Xiaoqing, ZHANG Haibo, GONG Xianzheng, DENG Quanliang, MA Zhongcheng, YE Jiayuan
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023040013
    Abstract PDF
    Multi-objective Topology Optimization of Machine Tool Basic Part Column for Rib Layout
    NIU Peng, CHENG Qiang, YANG Congbin, LIU Zhifeng
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023050039
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of Different Pretreatment Methods on Disruption Rate of Excess Sludge
    LUO Yuan, QIAO Sheng, YAN Min, MENG Qiuxia, ZHANG Jiaxing, LI Lei, YANG Zhiping
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023050024
    Abstract PDF
    Macroscopic and Microscopic Mechanisms of Low-Temperature Crack Resistance of Hot Mix Asphalt with High Content of Rejuvenated RAP
    ZHI Xiao, HOU Ke, ZHANG Xun, MENG Fanwei, CHEN Yuliang, DENG Pin, XIAO Yuanjie
    DOI: 10.11936/bjutxb2023050043