Research on Trip Generation Forecast Method Related to City Land Uses
Graphical Abstract
According to the newly increased volume of traffic of city land-use item, the trip generation models about usual residence and shopping center and office building in some area of Beijing are introduced respectively. At present, most of trip generation models are static in China, which do not consider the dynamic feedback relationship between city land uses and trip generation, and so the result in the forecast is not precise. Through analysis on the relationship between city land uses and trip generation and based on Chinese city traffic characters, basic traffic research situation, land development situation and the level of economic development, this study establishes the quantitative relationship between the trip generation and trip attraction and the relative indexes of land uses and social economic indexes, then forecasts future trip generation and trip attraction of land use according to the relative data of the proposed development, and simultaneously the elementary research on the important questions about estimatation method related to trip generation of land development is presented.