Multi-emitter Si/SiGe Heteroj unction Bipolar Transistors
Graphical Abstract
The development of information technology requires devices with higher speed, higher frequency, at the same time with more power and better thermal stability. The conventional devices based on silicon can hardly satisfy the requires above because of its inhouse physical characters. Si/Side HBTs is the right thing to solve this problem. SiGe alloy grown on silicon substrates has band gap which narrows down with the increase of Ge component. High frequency, high speed and high power are easily realized on bipolar transistors with SiGe base and Si collector and emitter. The ten-finger emitter Si/SiGe HBTs with parameters of β= 26, VCB =7 V, Icm≥ 180 mA and fT ≥ 2 GHz, has been optimizedly designed as comb structure, and fabricated by the double-mesa technological process.