In Situ Experiment and Analysis of Building Vibration Induced by Urban Road and Elevated Road Transit
Graphical Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to study the environmental vibration effects on the adjacent buildings and the promulgation regulation of vibration in structure.An in situ experiment was carried out to measure the vibration acceleration of the urban road,elevated road and buildings and analyzed from multi-aspects as: the acceleration time history,frequency spectrum and vibration level.Resultsshow that vibrations induced by urban road and elevated road are separately focused on 5~25 Hz and 5~45 Hz,which attenuate in soil with the increase of distance and amplify in the building with the rise of floor and may induce high frequency vibration of local components in structure.Inside multi-story building,the vertical vibration is stronger than the horizontal,and the latitude horizontal vibration is stronger than the longitude horizontal.The vibration amplifies with the rise of floor and the amplified multiple is according to the structure stiffness in that direction.The forced vibration of structure mainly comes from the ground surface motion.