Study on Inhibitors Preventing HIV-1 Virus From Entering Host Cell
Graphical Abstract
In order to solve the difficult problem of HIV-1 viral resistence to drugs, the research on the inhibitor preventing virus from entering host cell is very important countermeasure.The present situation and developing trend of this kind inhibitors are summarized and the newest international research fruits are presented. Not only might such entry inhibitors increase the potency of initial HIV treatment, but they may also provide hope for patients who have exhausted current treatment options. Since there are several possible targets, there is also possibility to develop the drugs with synergistic effects in inhibiting viral entry. Three major steps in viral entry have been targeted for drug design. inhibition of CD4 binding, inhibition of coreceptor binding, and blocking of the gp4 1 conformational changes that permit of viral fusion. Daring studying the anti-HV inhibitor, several targets are considered.