Statistical Analysis on the Influence of Magnitude, Distance and Site Condition on Response Spectra
Graphical Abstract
In this paper, 324 worldwide acceleration recordings were selected to study response spectral characteristics including vertical-to-horizontal (V/H) spectral ratio, spectral characteristics period which was corresponding to peak period (Tp), maximum dynamic amplification coefficient (βmax), the maximum spectral acceleration or maximum seismic effect coefficient (αmax) and the difference between peak periods of two horizontal components (ΔTp). This article also studied the difference of some of these parameters between vertical and horizontal recordings, as well as relationships between these parameters and site conditions, magnitude and epicentral distance. It is concluded from the statistical results that 1) the commonly used value of V/H= 2/3 in current seismic design code is reasonable and acceptable; 2) vertical Tp is usually smaller than horizontal one, and vertical Tp increases with epicentral distance and magnitude increasing, which is almost independent of site conditions; 3) αmax decreases with epicentral distance increasing. The effect of site condition on αmax is insignificant when the epicentral distance is large; 4) There is a certain difference between peak periods of the response spectrum of two horizontal components, which increases slightly with the magnitude increasing.