Spectrum Characteritics of K+,Yb3+: BaWO4 Crystals
Graphical Abstract
To increase concentration of Yb3+-ions in BaWO4 crystals, co-doped K+-ions method were adopted. Absorption coefficient of K+ ( x (K+ ) = 0.01 ), Yb3+ ( x ( Yb3+) = 0.02) : BaWO4 crystals is a = 0.494 cm-1 at 977 nm. Fluorescence spectra of Yb3+-ions from 960 nm to 1 020 nm, corresponding to transition 2F5/2→2F7/2 was investigated. Emission cross section at 1 005 nm is 6. 286 × 10-20cm2, livetime is 0.4 ms. The experimental result shows that K+, Yb3+: BaWO4 is a potential laser crystal.