The History of Japanese Building Technology of the Past 100 Years
Graphical Abstract
Japan, with little resource, has succeeded, nevertheless, in building technology as well as many spheres of learning since the Meiji reign. Its social background has been analyzed in this paper.
European wooden structure had been reformed to meet needs To make masonwork antiseismic, steel belts etc. were put into joints. Concrete-steel building, fit for six-to-nine-story buildings, was originated in Japan. Reenforced concrete was introduced to Japan in the early phase of this century, while prestressed reenforced concrete was popularized after World War Ⅱ. Building industry of Japan began to be mechanized as late as 1920s, but now its building technique is at the head of developed countries.
Japanese government trained their technicians personnel in various ways and assigned jobs to people according to their abilities, which is the main cause of success for us to learn.