Multi-architecture System Interoperability Approach Using Common Data Exchange Model
Graphical Abstract
To resolve interoperability problems between distributed architectures when inter-connected,common data exchange model is put forward to describe the information exchanged between heterogeneous systems,and the method constructing meta-model of common data exchange model is designed. The information exchanged between heterogeneous systems is divided into three types including states(object class),events(interactive class) and control. Information models of architecture-independent and architecture-neutral are predefined,and the method creating new information exchanged is designed,which boosts the expansibility of gateway. Centralized and distributed architectures of gateway is designed based on the method,and “push”and “pull”communication modes is used to realize the asynchronous reception including callback mechanism,object reflection and positive sending. The inter-connection between HLA,TENA,and certain command and control system validate the effectiveness.