
    Some Characteristics of the Construction Technique and Its Plan for the Development of the Underground Space of Beijing

    • 摘要: 根据北京地区地下空间开发的现状和发展趋势,从施工技术的角度对地下空间的层次进行了划分,讨论了地下空间开发的施工技术特点,和近、中期北京地区地下空间开发的主要施工技术问题,并重点探讨了北京地区基坑开挖坑壁支护所应采取的施工技术对策。最后对国外深层和超深层地下空间开发的施工技术开发现状和研究方向作了简要介绍。


      Abstract: On analysing the present situation of exploiting the underground space in Beijing and its deverloping trend, this paper divides the underground space into different layers from the angle of construction technology. It discusses the technical characteristics of the exploiting projects. It also deals with the main technical problems which would be met in the constructions for the near future. Then, it inquires into the technical plan made for the earth retaining structure in deep excavation. Finally,the paper introduces briefly the present situation of the international devioping tendency of construction technology in exploiting deep and ultradepth underground space.


