
    Research on Distribution Model of Pedestrian Traffic

    • 摘要: 为了估计行人交通流的自由速度及其分布,在分析行人步行速度受约束概率的基础上,基于改进的Kaplan-Meier估计方法,对行人的自由速度估计方法进行了分析,用大量的实测数据建立了不同步行设施上行人的自由速度分布模型,经检验行人的自由速度符合正态分布.这为相应的步行交通设施的设计和行人交通仿真提供了良好的数据支持.


      Abstract: Probabilities of pedestrian being constrained is analyzed, and based on the improved Kaplan-Meier method, the method to estimate pedestrian free speed is described in this paper.An application on pedestrian data from large-scale investigation shows that pedestrian free speeds fit into normal distribution.The model could be applied in the operating speed design and traffic simulation.


