Reflection of Reflexive Sociology of Bourdieu
Graphical Abstract
The Theory of Bourdieu is based on and started from the reflective criticism on different forms of dualism in former sociology.He pointed out that the social reasons of intellectualism bias and reflection lacking in all those forms of dualism are the divergences and biases coursed by the social origin and social condition of individual researchers,by the position of researcher in the fields of both academia and power,and by the collective scientific unconsciousness of the academia field and the scholar group.Therefore,he claimed that the sociological verification on the sociological practice itself is necessary,that is to say, to choose process itself of deciding the research object of social science as the research object.This point is a great contribution of his theory of practical sociology.However,the reflection of Bourdieu is not thorough enough,became he ignored the factor of human cognition which lead to intellectualism bias,and also ignored the interaction of social factor and cognitive factor.As a result,his self-alert on the limit of theory in his practical theory is weakened.