On new Demacratism Agricultrual Thought of Mao Tse-dong
Graphical Abstract
New democratic agricultrual thought of Mao Tse-dong is abolishing feudal landownship completely and carrying out individual petty farmer economy and agricuitral co-operative economy developing hand in hand . Thereinto, agricuitral co-operative economy with socialist facters should be lead individual petty farmer economic development to prepare for the future socialist agricutral transition. Directing agricuitral economic construction with new demacratic agricuitral thought, Mao Tse-dung opposed two kinds of error inclination. One is populism, the other is capitalism. Today, in the couse of building all-round socialty, It will be help for resolving the problem of country, agriculture and peasant that we retrospect new democratic agricuitral thought of Mao Tse-dong