
    Legislation Necessity for Finance Holding Company in Our Country

    • 摘要: 金融控股公司作为我国金融“分业”体制下实现“混业经营”目的的一种组织创新模式,在我国的发展日益迅速,而我国立法空缺的现状却严重阻碍了其健康发展,也造成了极大的金融风险。文章利用历史分析、比较分析和法经济学的方法,通过对我国金融业历史发展演进的纵向考察,对世界金融控股公司普遍立法现状的横向比较以及金融控股公司作为一种经济组织形式与我国金融立法关系的分析,论证了我国金融控股公司立法的必要性。


      Abstract: This paper, using the methods of the historical analysis, the comparative analysis and the economic analysis of law, proved legislation necessity of our country' s finance holding company, through the longitudinal inspection to the development of our country' s financial industry, and through the horizontal comparison to the present legislation situation of the whole world, giving an analysis to the relation between the financial holding company as a form of economic organization and the financial legislation of our country today.


