
    Evaluation of Core Competitiveness Based on Factor Analysis:Taking Hebei Province as an Example

    • 摘要: 2012年我国已走出传统的世界农业大国,迈入城市化率达到51.26%的新征途之中。在此背景下,根据竞争优势理论和要素禀赋理论,采用因子分析等方法对河北省的城市核心竞争力现状进行了实证评价,并得出:石家庄、沧州、秦皇岛、唐山属Ⅰ类城市,其核心竞争力处于上游;衡水、廊坊、保定属于Ⅱ类城市,其核心竞争力居中;Ⅲ类城市包括张家口、承德、邢台、邯郸,他们的各项指标普遍居后,显现其核心竞争力的弱势。


      Abstract: China is out of the traditional agricultural country in the world and steps into a new journey with the urbanization rate of 51.26%.In this context,this article conducted an empirical evaluation of the core competence in Hebei province,based on the competitive advantage theory and factor endowment theory,by using methods of factor analysis and concluded that;the first class city is Shijiazhuang,Cangzhou,Qinhuangdao,Tangshan,and its core competencies are upstream;the second class is Hengshui,Baoding,Langfang,and its core competency is medial the third class cities included Zhangjiakou,Chengde,Handan,Xingtair and their indicators showed weakness in its core competitiveness.


