
    Application of Random Effective Theory to the Study of the Capacity of Road Network

    • 摘要: 以随机效用理论为基础,建立了整个路网中车辆在路网容量极限状态下的平均行驶时间模型.为了便于应用,结合模糊数学的相关知识给出了平均行驶时间的计算步骤和计算流程图.该方法可避免以往通过调查才可以获得行驶时间的浪费人、财、物力的方法,也为精确计算路网容量奠定了一定的基础.


      Abstract: Based on the theory of random effectiveness and urban traffic network, a random model used for computing average travel time in a road network is established. According to knowledge about fuzzy mathematics, an algorithm for the model and flow chart is put forward. The method put up in this paper can avoid wasting manpower, finncial resources and material resources which once took place in the past in order to find average travel time through investigation, and can provide basis for accurately computing the capacity of road network .


