Congestion Pricing Model and Algorithm Based on Bilevel Programming Model
摘要: 城市道路拥挤定价具有双层特性,上层为城市交通管理部门,下层为道路使用者.本文假设用户出行成本仅与出行时间相关,应用双层规划模型建立拥挤定价模型,并讨论双层规划模型的遗传算法.研究表明,双层规划模型能有效解决复杂的拥挤定价问题,遗传算法收敛较快,容易实现计算精度要求.Abstract: Congestion pricing has bilevel characteristic, in which the upper level is the urban traffic administrative department and the lower level is the users. The essay applied bilevel programming model to build up congestion pricing model under the assumption that travel cost only relates to travel time. The genetic algorithm was discussed to solve the problem of the programming model in the essay.Results show that bilevel programming model can effectively solve problems of complicated congestion pricing and that the genetic algorithm can quickly converge, and can meet the needs of model precision.