
    Implementing a System of Online Transaction Between the Internet Banking and Fund Company Based on PKI/CA Technology

    • 摘要: 将PKI(公钥基础设施)/CA(认证中心)体系用于网上银行同基金公司进行网上交易的系统还相当少,为了满足日益增长的银行和基金业务的需要,通过对PKI/CA体系和当前网上银行系统的研究,给出了一种基于PKI/CA体系构建网上银行和基金公司在线交易系统的解决方案,实现了对数据签名和加密方式进行安全的传输,保证了客户资料的安全,并且通过对流程的模型转换,使用户交易方便快捷,较好地满足了系统的需求.


      Abstract: At present, the system of using PKI(public key infrastructure)/CA(certificate authority) technology in the online transaction between Internet Banking and Funding Company is quite few. In order to adapt the increasing business requirement of bank and fund company, after a long-time research on PKI/CA technology and Internet Banking System, this paper presents a solution to implement on-line transaction between Internet Banking and Fund Companies by using the PKI/CA technology. This solution has realized a scure data transmission by digital signature and encryption, guaranteed the information security of customers'. And it has made the transaction more convenient and faster, satisfactorily met the demands of the system by modeling the workflow.


