Compared Rheology of Asphatlt Mastics Performance With Hydrated Lime and Limestone Filer
摘要: 利用动态剪切流变仪、弯曲梁流变仪以及直接拉伸试验仪对掺加消石灰和矿粉后沥青胶浆的动态黏弹性能实验进行比较,粉胶比为1.2时,消石灰胶浆的车辙因子是矿粉胶浆的1.6倍,抵抗永久变形能力提高;粉胶比为0.6时,消石灰胶浆的断裂能是矿粉胶浆的2.2倍,提高了沥青抗低温开裂性能;粉胶比为0.9时,消石灰胶浆的疲劳破坏次数是矿粉胶浆的1.4倍,沥青的疲劳性能提高;由于消石灰物理吸附及化学反应的协同作用使消石灰胶浆比矿粉胶浆具有更好的高温稳定性、低温柔性和抗疲劳开裂性.Abstract: In this paper, the dynamic viscoelastic mechanics comparison between hydrated lime and limestone filler asphalt mastics is made by dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) , bending beam rheometer (BBR) and direct tension (DT) .The hydrated lime mastics rutting parameter is 1.6 times of limestone mastics when the ratio of filler bitumen (F/B) is 1.2, and the high temperature rheological is enhanced.The break energy of hydrated lime mastics is 2.2 times of limestone mastics when the F/B is 0.6, which improves low temperature cracking resistance.The cycles to failure of hydrated lime mastics is 1.4 times of limestone mastics.It is proposes that the synergistic effects of physical adsorption and chemical interactions enhance the high temperature rheology, low temperature flexibility, and fatigue failure of the hydrated lime asphalt mastics much more than that of limestone mastics.