
    Optimization Study on the Vehicle Handling Stability and Ride Comfort Using Genetic Algorithm Method

    • 摘要: 为改善汽车行驶的平顺性和操纵稳定性,建立了某SUV非线性三自由度操纵稳定性模型,研究了高速转弯工况侧倾载荷转移及轮胎的非线性特性对整车操纵稳定性的影响.提出了基于遗传算法的悬架刚度参数的优化匹配方法.以车身侧倾最小为优化目标,以弹簧刚度对悬架偏频及不足转向度影响为约束,以前、后悬架弹簧刚度及前、后稳定杆刚度为设计自变量.计算结果及实车对比表明:优化后的方案比原方案在平顺性和操纵稳定性方面有了较大的改善;采用该匹配方法,可以有效提高车辆的平顺性和高速车辆操纵稳定性.


      Abstract: In order to improve the automobile ride comfort and handling stability,a nonlinear three-freedom handling stability model was established and the influence of the load transfer and the tire nonlinear stiffness characteristic on the automobile stability was researched during the high speed lane-change condition.An optimization of the suspension parameters based on genetic algorithm was proposed.The vehicle body roll angle was selected for minimum optimization objectives,the suspension frequency and the vehicle understeer performance was selected for constraint condition,and the suspension stiffness parameters were taken as the the design variables.The computation results show that the suspension design scheme through optimization has apparant effects on improving ride comfort and handling stability.Finally,the result of analysis indicates that the ride comfort and handling stability during high speed can be improved effectively through this matching method.


