In order to make full use of wind energy resources,improve the wind farm power output and reduce the investment cost of wind power,a mesh free algorithm particle swarm optimization (PSO) of wind turbine layout was introduced.The position coordinates of wind turbine was optimized directly by increasing the number of design variables and the position constraints caused by mesh placement constraints also been canceled.Combined with the dynamic penalty function method,the wind turbine spacing constraints was realized; Based on this method,the optimal placement of wind turbines was performed.In the application process,the continuity and the constraint of the algorithm was improved.Through the algorithm,the reasonable number of wind turbine layout can be determined and the continuous placement of wind machine can be also realized,then,the total generating capacity of wind farm was improved effectively.On this basis,in order to explore the construction of the low wind speed area wind farm development and economic optimization,the response of wind turbine layout optimization scheme of electricity cost to wind change was studied.The results show that,when the fan is running at full capacity,with the wind speed increases,but the wind power costs will not be reduced on the application of particle swarm optimization algorithm.Since then,the influence of wind velocity on the wind farm electricity cost will reach the lowest and the degree of interaction between the wind turbine will reach the minimum,too.