Exploration of Reforming Trend for Courses Content of Organic Chemistry in Colleges and University
摘要: 根据近廿年来,国内外有机化学教材内容的发展状况,认为有机化学的教学体系,已从单纯汇集材料的系统,开始发展成为一门理论与材料相结合的体系。试图努力遵循这一理论与材料相结合的思想,1963年我们编写了一本有机化学教材,并于65年,76年和80年加以修订,文中介绍了我们编写过程中的点滴经验,以供讨论。Abstract: In the light of the developmental situation for the content or organic chemistry teaching material at home and abroad, it is considered that the teaching system of organic chemistry has been grown primarily into a system combining theory with material from the system collecting relevant data simply, Following actively this idea to make exploration, we have compiled a teaching material of organil chemistry at 1963, and revised it at 1965, 1976, 1980. Now, we present some experience about the compiling for discussion.