Application of the Extension Rhombus Thinking Method to Evaluation of the Architectural Design Innovation
摘要: 为了解决定量化评价建筑作品创新性的问题,将多元数据量化决策的可拓优度评价方法应用于影响因素较多的建筑设计创新评价领域,形成一种定性与定量相结合的建筑设计创新可拓优度评价方法,可以有效地量化评定建筑作品的创新性,并以建筑创新优度值来表示建筑作品创新性的大小,还可以进行多方案的创新度排序.Abstract: To answer the question how to evaluate the architectural design innovation,the paper uses the model of Extenics to rhombus thinking method of the architectural design innovation,based on investigation.This method can offer quantitative figures and be used not only to evaluate the architectural design innovation,but also to sort orders.The result of this research is helpful to practices.