An Intelligent Instrument for Ultrashort Laser Pulsewidth Measurement
摘要: 将智能化激光超短脉冲宽度测量仪与非共线二次谐波相关仪相结合,可获得0.1微微秒或更优的时间分辨率。测量结果由打印机打出,并可由绘图机绘出或通过示波器直接显示。此仪器还可用于其它用途的自动测量系统。Abstract: An intelligent instrument used for measuring the width of ultrashort laser pulse is presented. Combining with a noricollinear SHG correlator, time resolution of 0.1 psec or better can be obtained. The measured results can be printed out on a printer and the graph can be plotted with a personal plotter or displayed on an oscilloscope. With the help of this instrument, an automatic measuring system used for other purposes can be easily constructed.