Application of Clustering Analysis to Information System Design
摘要: 描述了两种聚类方法在大型复杂信息系统设计中的应用,分析了数据项必须采用包含性距离测量的聚类算法的原因.在数据聚类分析中提出了一种互包含性测量的概念,定义和说明了它的计算公式和具体算法.还通过一个实例,说明了两种聚类分析方法的具体应用.Abstract: It is described the application of two kinds of cluster analysis to the design of large and complex information system. First, it is described the way of taking similarity as a measure of distance to cluster in practice. Second, it is analysed the reason of using inclusion algorithm as a measure of distance in data clustering. Besides the concept of inner inclusion is proposed and its algorithm is given. Finaly, an example is given to which two clustering techniques has been used.