Microstructure and Properties of HVOF Sprayed AP40 Bioactive Glass-ceramic Coatings
摘要: 采用高速火焰(HVOF)喷涂技术,在Ti6Al4v基体上制备了AP40玻璃陶瓷涂层.利用光学显微镜、SEM和XRD对喷涂层形貌、显微组织结构和相组成进行了研究.探讨了热处理工艺对涂层组织结构及其性能的影响.按德国DIN EN 582—1994标准进行涂层的拉伸强度试验.结果表明:HVOF喷涂AP40玻璃陶瓷涂层具有层状结构,含有少量孔隙和未熔化的颗粒;涂层主要由羟基磷灰石、氟磷灰石、硅灰石、方石英及部分玻璃相组成,喷涂工艺对涂层的孔隙率有较大的影响;合适的热处理工艺可提高涂层的结晶度,使涂层变得致密,使孔隙明显减少,使涂层结合强度得到明显提高.Abstract: AP40 glass-ceramic coatings on TiAl6V4 substrate were deposited by HVOF process.The morphology,microstructure and phase compositions of the coatings were studied by means of optical,scanning electron microscopy and X-ray analysis.The effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of coatings were also investigated.The tensile bonding strength of the coating was evaluated in accordance with the DIN EN 582—1994.The results show that the typical lamellar microstructures of AP40 coatings which contain little porosity and unmelted powder.The phases is made up of HA,FA,W(β-wollastonite) and so on;The spray parameters influence significantly the porosity of the coatings.A suitable heat-treatment can increase the coating crystallinity,reduce the porosities and increase the bond strength.