The Lateral Load Distribution Coefficients of Curved Bridges
摘要: 本文把多主梁弯桥上部结构看作主梁间相互刚结的弯梁系,同直桥类似地,解除主梁间的连结,代之以超静定未知力,根据变形协调条件,利用曲梁的联立微分方程,可建立赘余力的力法正则方程,从而求得荷载的横向分布影响线,进而求得单根曲梁的横向分布系数。
采用本文方法的数值例题与SAP5的计算结果进行了比较,结果是很吻合的。Abstract: In this paper, the superstructure of a multibeam curved bridge is regarded as a rigidly connected curved beam system. As in a straight bridge, the rigid connections are released and replaced with redundant forces. According to the condition of displacement compatibility, the superposition equations of the redundant forces could be established by the simultaneous differential equations of the curved beams. Then to obtain the lateral load distribution influence lines. The lateral distribution coefficients of single curved beams are further obtained.
The numerical values obtained by this method are in good agreement with that by SAP5.