Distribution of Residual Stress Along Depth Under Different Shot Peening Technoloties
摘要: 不同喷丸工艺下残余应力沿深度的分布规律利用X射线衍射法系统研究了16种不同喷丸工艺产生的残余应力。每个工件取4个不同位置测点,每测点在表面下250μm范围内取8个测试深度,采用电解抛光进行剥层,结果表明:国产弹丸最大残余压应力出现在表面下50μm处,影响层深150μm;进口弹丸最大应力出现在5075μm处,影响层深为200μm;喷丸工艺中抛头转速与阿尔门值成正比,随阿尔门值增大残余应力略有增加,但残余应力最大值与阿尔门值之间没有定量对应关系;喷丸后残余应力的影响层深度与弹丸特性有直接关系,而与抛头转速无关。Abstract: The residual stresses engendered by 16 different shot peening technologies were researched and analyzed systemically by using x-ray method in this paper.For each shot peening work-piece,4 different test points were chosen and 8 different depths 0~250 μm under the surface for each point were tested by step-by-step electrolytic polishing method.And then the equations of polishing electric current,depth and time were figured out by experimental demarcation using self-making fixture,which solved the problem that data obtained and measured accurately at 25 μm depth,and got the residual stress distribution of these 16 technologies.It was shown that the max residual compress stress of home made shot peening was at the depth of 50 μm under the surface and the influence layer was 150 μm depth,while 50~75 μm and 200 μm respectively for the import one.The rotating speed of throwing wheel is proportional to the A1 value,and the max residual stress increased slightly along with Al value but no quantity relationship between them.The depth of residual stress influence layer after shot peening has directly relation with shot character,but rotating speed.