Reforming natural gas with CO
2 into Synthesis gas was studied on the base of Ni-5 and Ni-SPM catalyst which was previously selected in the reforming of methane with CO
2. The activity, stability, and ability of inhibiting the carbon deposition of Ni-5 and Wi-5PM catalyst was studied in the reform of natural gas with CO
2. The results showed that the activity of Ni-5 was higher than that of Ni-5 catalyst and its resistance to carbon deposition was higher than that of Wii-5 catalyst. However, there was carbon deposition in the reactor, formed by cracking of high hydrocarbon of natural gas in the reforming of natural gas with CO
2. Therefore a gas "A" was added to feed gas to remove the carbon deposition. The resuts show that it can effectively inhibit carbon deposition with little effect on synthesis yield, catalyst activity, selectivity and stability, and it didn't pass into the gases at exit as well. Thus, Ni-5PM has high activity, selectivity and stability in the reforming of natural gas with CO