
    Effect of Hot Filament Parameter on Large Area Diamond Films Prepared by HFCVD

    • 摘要: 根据热丝化学气相沉积法制备大面积金刚石薄膜工艺中热丝与衬底之间的几何关系,建立了该系统的热传递模型,利用计算机辅助数值解方法,给出了衬底温度与衬底表面的热辐射能量密度随热丝数量、热丝与衬底间距变化的关系.并利用该方法设计了沉积面积为100mm×100mm的金刚石薄膜的最佳热丝几何参数.


      Abstract: Hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD ) is an useful technique to get high-quality diamond films with uniform thickness and in larger area. To explain the relation between geometry parameter of hot filament and the uniform of larger-area diamondfilm, a multi-filament and substrate heat exchange model was established. and both the irradiance and temperature fields were calculated. As it turned out that the uniform of diamond films is greatly determined by the irradiance field rather than the temperature field. Moreover, the suitable geometry parameters to prepare diamond films on 100 mm×100 mm area with HFCVD are given under such calculation.


