Multi-level Cooperation Decoupling Controller Based on Cytokine Network for the Stretching Process
摘要: 为了更好地消除聚丙烯晴碳纤维 (polyacryionitrile carbon fiber, PANCF) 牵伸过程中相关状态间的耦合效应, 基于因子网络数学模型, 与解耦控制相结合, 提出一种多级协同的解耦网络 (cytokine network based decoupling network, CNDN) , 并植入具体的解耦控制算法;将该结构和算法应用于牵伸水浴的温度、浓度以及液位多个耦合量的解耦控制.仿真结果标明:CNDN对于控制量的改变反应更加迅速, 较传统解耦方法可以基本实现控制量的完全解耦和平滑调节, 抗干扰能力强, 稳定性好.Abstract: To improve the decoupling effectiveness of multiple variables in polyacrylonitrilc carbon fiber (PANCF) production line, based on the artificial cytokine network (ACN) and its mathmatical model, a network structure of the stretching process was proposed and investigated. With decoupling compensation algorithm embedded in the calculation center, a complete cytokine network based decoupling network (CNDN) was proposed, which realized the decoupling of three variables in the stretching tank:temperature, concentration, and liquid level. Simulation results show that the CNDN not only can rapidly respond the set-points of control variables, but also completely eliminate the influence on other variables coupling with it; moreover, it has a better ability of resistance against the interference.