
    The Study of Non-invasive Detection System for the Blood Flow Paramenters of Cardiovascular System

    • 摘要: 根据血流动力学原理,介绍一种微机化的心血管血流参数无损伤自动实时检测系统,该系统采用由脉搏波计算心输出量的独特技术,经过对正常健康人和心血管病人的大量临床试验,证实该系统有良好的性能和临床诊断效果。在临床医学、基础医学、航空医学和健康检查等许多方面都具有广阔的应用前景。


      Abstract: According to the theory of hemodynamics, a microcomputer-based automatic real-time detection system for the blood flow parameters of cardiovascular system is described. It is a safe, noninvasive, convenient system that provides the physician or investigator with a total of 12 blood flow parameters including mean arterial pressure, heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, peripheral resistance, arterial compliance and a sphygmograms. Some special techniques for computing cardiac output is presented from pulse wave contour taken on the wrist by using transducer and excellent performance of the system is obtained from clinical tests for healthy persons and sick persons. The results of study have found a wide application in clinical medicine, preclinical medicine, air medicine and health examination.


