
    Application of Fuzzy Multi-attribute Decision Making Method in Urban Transportation Terminal Scheme Optimum Selection

    • 摘要: 换乘、疏散、停车、引导是城市客运交通枢纽的4项主要功能,其中以换乘功能最为关键.围绕枢纽多换乘方案的评价优选这一关键问题,建立了定性与定量指标相结合的换乘评价指标体系,并分别给出了各项评价指标的计算方法.随后将改进的层次分析法与模糊多属性决策理论方法中的模糊折衷型决策算法联合应用,进行枢纽换乘方案的排序.该算法在对决策过程进行模拟和研究的过程中,始终保持模糊元素的线性性质。可最终获得问题的解析性结果,较好地解决了目前枢纽换乘方案优选过程中主观性过大的问题.


      Abstract: The main function of transportation terminal is to transfer, park, distribute and direct passengers in different intentions and directions, in which the key function is to transfer. After having established the valuation index system for transportation terminal, which includes quantitative and qualitative indexes, the author presented the calculating method of the indexes in the system. Finally, the sort of the projects by use of the Multi-attribute Decision Making together with AHP is educed. The wide application of this method is surely to decrease the blindness in the evaluation of different transportation terminal projects, and make the work of transportation terminal design more scientific.


