Parameterized Design of Sport Bike Frame Structure
摘要: 开发了运动自行车车架结构专用的CAD设计系统,详细介绍了系统开发的各个环节中的设计构思及具体实施方案.基于运动自行车的不同用途以及企业对系统提出的要求,对两种类型自行车的车架进行了结构分析,确定基本设计参数,再进行约束条件分析,从而推导出计算公式和带约束条件的方程.利用VisualC++程序段实现计算和解方程,通过对话框实现CAD系统的原始数据的输入和计算结果的输出.此设计系统从根本上解决了传统设计中存在的计算繁琐、设计复杂和周期长等问题。Abstract: The authors developed the CAD design system dedicated to sport bike frame structure and introduce in detail its design concept and implementation scheme. Based on the different usages of sport bikes and the different requirements for the system by enterprises~ the frame structural analysis of two different types of bikes, the decision of basic design parameters and the analysis of the constraint conditions are all made successively so that the calculation equations and the formulas with constraint conditions are both derived. Then the Visual C+ + program is used to operate calculation adn solve formulas. The input of the original data and the oufput of calculated results are implemented through the interactive system. This design has avoided complicated calculation and long design time.