
    A Nonlinear Neurocontrol Scheme for Spaceships

    • 摘要: 针对航天器控制问题,提出了一种非线性动态逆与状态反馈控制相结合的神经元控制系统设计方案,并成功的将其应用于登月舱软着陆过程的控制问题.该方案包含两部分:①应用神经元网络通过学习建立被控系统的非线性动态逆模型,实现被控非线性系统的线性化;②在线性化模型的基础上构造系统的神经元最优状态反馈控制器.本文给出的仿真结果显示出神经计算学在航天器控制问题中所具有的潜在能力.


      Abstract: A neurocontrol scheme for the control of spaceship is proposed which associates nonlinear inversion with optimal state feedback. It was successfully applied to the lunar soft landing problem. The scheme mainly consists of two parts: First, the nonlinear dynamic inversion of the controlled object is modeled with an artificial neural network, and the controlled object is linearized by the neural inversion model. Second, based on the linearized system another artificial neural network is used as a feedback state controller to realize certain optimal control law. A simulation on computer is performed for the lunar soft landing problem. The simulation results are encouraging and show that neurocomputation could play an important role in the control of the future spaceship.


