
    Principle of Water Environmental Restoration and Practice in China

    • 摘要: 水资源短缺和水体污染是水环境问题的2个主要方面.目前这2个问题在我国都没有解决,而且还有加重趋势.分析认为过度的水的社会循环是造成我国水环境劣化的直接原因,建立健康的社会水循环才能恢复良好水环境,从根本上解决水问题.水环境恢复的方略包括节制用水、污水深度处理和有效利用、污水厂污泥回归农田、恢复城市雨水循环途径、面源污染控制以及水资源统筹管理等,其中,城市范畴上的污水深度处理与利用和再生水供应系统是关健,是我国水环境恢复的切入点.介绍了国内外在水环境恢复方面的研究进展情况并介绍了我国在编制国家中长期科技发展规划(2006-2020)以及深圳、大连和北京等地的工程实践.最后指出今后我国水环境恢复方面的紧迫任务,包括建立相关法律法规、开展相关教育、制定规划、相关技术研究和建立示范工程等.


      Abstract: Water resources shortage and water pollution are the main aspects of water environmental deterioration. Unfortunately, the two problems exist in most regions of China and are getting worse. Immoderate Social Water Cycle (SWC) is the ultimate reason for water environmental deterioration. So the only way to restore the water environment is to establish the healthy SWC. The strategies for water environmental restoration include the continence of water resource exploitation, advanced wastewater treatment and effective reclamation, treated sewage sludge back to cropland, urban rainwater cycle rehabilitation, non-point pollution source control and integrated water resources management etc. This article summarized the water environmental restoration practices in China, and healthy SWC plan in China's Middle-Long Term Plan for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020), as well as engineering practices of healthy SWC construction in Shenzhen, Dalian and Beijing. Finally it pointed out the urgent tasks in water environmental restoration, which include establishment of laws, education, research on relative technologies and demonstration project construction, etc.


