The Experimental Research on Cell-Free Plasma Layer of Miorocirculation of the Rat in Shock
摘要: 在对12只雄性大鼠提睾肌出血性休克微循环血流在体观察基础上,用高倍显微闭路电视摄像系统和微循环数字图象处理(MCCIP)技术,实现了对微动脉血流中的边缘流血浆层在体条件下的动态测试,并从血液流变学的角度跟踪研究了出血性休克的形成、发展、恢复各时期微动脉中缘流血浆层厚度随RBCs速度的发展机理,实验研究表明,血浆层的厚度随血流速度的降低而减少,当血浆层消失时,血流并没有停止,因此,由于血浆层的发展超前于流速的发展,血浆层的消失是造成微循环障碍的主要原因之一,在休克的预后治疗中,微动脉中的血浆层是一个重要的评价指标,以此来监测血浆层的发展,恢复血流紊乱中的血浆层是重要途径之一.Abstract: On observing the microcirculation blood flow of 12 rats suffering from cremaster muscle hemorrhagic shock in vivo,the test for dynamic determination of edge cell-free plasma layer in arteriolar blood flow in vivo is conducted using the high magnifying microscope video image system and through microcirculatary digital imageprocessor(MCIP) techniques.The expansible mechanism of the cell-free plasma layer of rat in hemorrhagic shock is studied by tracking in accordance with hemorheology.The experiment studies indicate that the plasma layer thickness decreases while lowering RBCs velocity,and the blood flow doesn't slagnate when the plasma layer disappeared.The expermment shows the decreasing speed of the plasma layer thickness is greater than that of RBCs velocity,It indicates that one of the major factors that effects upon the microcirculatory disorder is the gradual disappearing performance of cell-free plasma layer.The thickness of the cell-free plasma layer in microvessels will be one of the important clinical parameters for reference in outcome treatment with patients recovered from shock;monitoring the expanse of cell-free plasma layer is of great help to turn the plasma layer to normal when the blood flow is disorded.