On the Improvement of Linked Representation of PERT Graph
摘要: 本文通过利用稀疏矩阵及递归的方法,提出了一种PERT图在计算机中的链式存(贝宁)的存(贝宁)方法和计算方法的改进方案。通过这一改进,进一步改变了原有的关于PERT图的算法所占内存空间较大、存(贝宁)速度较慢的状况,从而提高了计算机的时空效率。Abstract: This paper mainly introduces an improvement of linked representation of PERT graph and its method of calculation in the comuter.By means of this improvemnt, the algorithm of PERT graph becomes better in respect of storage required and the speed of execution.