A New Generalized Potential Energy Principle for Plate Bending with Large Deflection
摘要: 在薄板大挠度问题最小势能原理的一种新提法(势能密度中同时含有应变与应力函数的形式)的基础上,用线性Lagrange乘子法,解除包括薄膜和弯曲广义应力-广义应变关系在内的全部变分约束条件,建立了一个新的薄板大挠度问题三类变量广义势能原理。Abstract: Based on a new proposition of the principle of minimum potential energy for plate bending with large deflection, a new generalized potential energy principle for plate bending with large deflection is established in this paper, with linear Lagrange multiplier method of relaxing all variational constraint conditions, including generalized stress-generalized strain relation for membrane and bending.