The Technical and Economical Discussion on the Production of a New Enviromental Material, Foam Glass
摘要: 介绍国内外泡沫玻璃的生产情况,对发泡、退火技术和窑炉作深入的分析.从经济与节能的角度来考核,认为带模退火更为合理.经济分析说明,利用废弃玻璃生产泡沫玻璃是一种合理的处理废弃玻璃的方法,它有很高的经济效益,值得推广.Abstract: The domestic and overseas production of foam glass is introduced. The technology of effervescence, anneal and the running of kiln is given in detail. It is considered that anneal of foam glass in mould is preferable for cost saving and energy reserve. The economical analysis shows that using waste glass to prouduce foam glass is a sensible way to recycle the waste glass, and it is profitable as well.