激光技术前沿笔谈: 从阿秒到纳秒——跨越时间尺度的脉冲激光的产生、发展及在大科学装置中的应用[J]. 北京工业大学学报, 2024, 50(7): 897-904.
    引用本文: 激光技术前沿笔谈: 从阿秒到纳秒——跨越时间尺度的脉冲激光的产生、发展及在大科学装置中的应用[J]. 北京工业大学学报, 2024, 50(7): 897-904.
    Frontiers of Laser Technology: From Attosecond to Nanosecond—Across Time Scale Pulse Laser's Generation, Development and Applications in Large Scientific Facilities[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2024, 50(7): 897-904.
    Citation: Frontiers of Laser Technology: From Attosecond to Nanosecond—Across Time Scale Pulse Laser's Generation, Development and Applications in Large Scientific Facilities[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2024, 50(7): 897-904.

    激光技术前沿笔谈: 从阿秒到纳秒——跨越时间尺度的脉冲激光的产生、发展及在大科学装置中的应用

    Frontiers of Laser Technology: From Attosecond to Nanosecond—Across Time Scale Pulse Laser's Generation, Development and Applications in Large Scientific Facilities

