
    Reverse Calculation of the Parameters of Involutes and Its Application

    • 摘要: 为了反求未知圆心位置的单条渐开线或渐开线簇的圆心位置和基圆半径,给出了基于最小二乘原理的求解模型,通过三点定圆确定所求参数的初值并由GN法对初值进行优化.该方法可用于单条渐开线及渐开线簇类零件的测绘反求.同时,将该反求方法应用于齿轮测量中心的测头初始坐标的确定中,获得了显著效果.


      Abstract: For reverse calculation of the parameters of an involute-center and radius of basic circle,without knowing the center point of basic circle of the involute,this paper proposes a method as utilizing principles of Three-Point-Circle to calculate the initial values of objective parameters first and optimizing it by solving the non-linear least squares with Gauss-Newton method(GN method),and draws conclusion that this method can be applied to calculate the parameters of an involute and multi involutes,and also receives good effect when it is utilized to determine the initial coordinate value of probe in Gear Measuring Center.


