
    Research on Excited State Properties and Reversible Process Behaviours by Quantitative Resonance Theory

    • 摘要: 本文以Kekulé共振结构作为波函数的基,积分后借Boltzmann分布和Ar-rhenius公式证明:可逆反应的活化能E*及速度常数的自然对数ln(k)必与ln (产物结构数/反应物结构数)线性相关。多环邻和对苯醌及多环芳烃的Diels-Alder反应皆证实上述论证(|r|或≃0.99)。发现正构烷烃电离势的自然对数ln (I),与正离子的真实可能结构数(键的数目)的自然对数高度相关(|r|>0.99),证明了共振结构的杂化体在激发态时的可能真实存在。ln (ESC/SC)顺利地推广到能收集到数据的共轭同系物系列的各种激发态性质上,计算的464个系列中,为优占77.6%(|r|0.99),其余皆为良(|r|>0.95),计算普以作者之一所设计的最小二乘绘图程序进行(LSGRAPH,Sharp PC1500,BASIC),除进行易实现的最小二乘计算外,自动编排数据表,绘制指令标度的相关图,数据点或多条相关线可分别标号或以三色交替绘制,是一个精巧的拜具普石价值的程序。


      Abstract: By Taking the Kekulé structure formulae as the basis of wave function,it is evidenced in our previous paper that the observables related to the excited transition energies from ground state to excited state,will correlate lineally with the natural logrithm of excited over ground state structure count ratio,In(ESC/SC). In this paper,we prove futher that the activation energies and related parameters of reversible process will correlate lineally with the natural logarithm of the product over reactant structure count ratio,In(PSC/RSC),thus the logarithm of rate constant of reversible process,In K,must correlate lineally with ln(PSC/RSC).An exquisite program of automatic drawing for least squares regression,LSGRAPH,has designed in our labroratory with BASIC language. By using of this program,we extend the above resonance theory-excited state observables linear correlation on almost all data of conjugated system homologs which can be collected as yet. The general formula of conjugated system homologs is R-(X)n-R'type,the X may be-CH=CH- or -C≡C-,the R or R' may be H,alkyl,silanyl,aryl,polycyclic aryl,heterocyclyl as well as various function groups. The observables include the UV absorption band(wave number or wave length),the halve-wave potential of polarographic reduction and oxidation,ionization potential and so on.
      When hetero-atoms are present in the end group R or R',the best result will be obtained if assuming for the calculation of excited state structure count that the negative charge will polarize on to the betero-atom with maximal electronegativity. The ionization potentials of normal alkanes disply excellent linear correlation with the logarithm of bond amount,In(3n+1). These facts show that although the resonance hybrid in the ground state,has only unitary structure from the viewpoint of statistics,the multiple structures nature of the resonance hybrid in the excited state,is truly presence.
      In terms of the above-mentioned numerous calculation,obviously,the resonance theory for the quantitative treatment of excited state properties and reversible process behaviours,is a highly accurate and the most convenient method as yet.


