
    Approach to the Circuit Analysis in Combination with the Circuit Measurement Techniques

    • 摘要: 在研究电路理论时,如能注意引进某些电路调试技术的内容,则这些电路理论问题将得到良好的阐释和验证,此外我们还发现,在证明电路中的某些定理时,电路测试技术也能发挥作用。本文就此列举了两个例子:星形与三角形网络等效互换公式的证明以及罗森定理的证明。


      Abstract: When we researched into the circuit theory, the theoreical problems of the circuits will be explicated and examimed fairly well if some circuit measurement techniques are introduced. Morover, we have discovered that the circuit measurement techniques can be effective when we demonstrate some circuit theorems. Two examples, the proffs of both the formulas for the star-delta transformation and Rosen's theorem, are given in this papaer.


