
    Dynamic Link Travel Time for Evacuation Route in an Emergency of Olympic Games

    • 摘要: 为了建立奥运会突发事件疏散路径动态路段行驶时间模型,在对现有路阻函数分析的基础上,通过对疏散车流特点与车流波动理论适用条件的匹配性进行分析,提出了由上游的非拥挤部分路段的行驶时间和下游交叉口排队部分的行程时间构成的,基于车流波动理论的动态路段行程时间模型,并应用实例对模型的精度进行了检验.


      Abstract: This study built a model on dynamic link travel time for evacuation route in an emergency of Olympic Games, and was based on analysis of existing models of link travel time functions, and the matching analysis between the conditions of fluid mechanics and the characteristic of evacuation traffic flow. The authors proposes the Dynamic Link Travel Time Model, by which travel time including the running time on non-congestion section of upstream and the delay time of downstream intersection can be estimated, and an example is then presented to test the accuracy of the model. This study is a base for dynamic route choice in an emergency of Olympic Games.


