
    Investigation and Analysis of Relationships Between the Impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir and Earthquake on Wenchuan in Sichuan Province

    • 摘要: 为探究引起汶川地震的外因,分析了三峡水库的蓄水重心与龙门山断裂带的距离和几何关系、水库的大体量蓄水作用效果、四川盆地坚硬板块对由三峡库区蓄水所引起的水平力的传递效能、以及蓄水高程与构造型强地震的时间关系.针对汶川地震与三峡库区蓄水的关系,提出若干观点以供商榷.


      Abstract: To investigate external causes of motivating earthquake on Wenchaun in Sichuan province, P.R.C, the relationships between the Wenchuan earthquake, in Sichuan province, P.R.C, and impoundage in Three Gorges reservoir were presented for discussion in this paper.The relationships included:Distance and geometry mode between the Longmenshan fault and the center of gravity of large impoundage capacity in Three Gorges reservoir, effects of large impoundage capacity in Three Gorges reservoir, the acting result of westward horizontal thrust transmitting through hard and integral plate of Sichuan Basin, time factor between strong tectonic earthquake and impoundage elevation.


