Research on Compressed-Domain Image Processing Techniques
摘要: 压缩格式作为多媒体数据的存储和传输形式具有普遍性,而实际的多媒体应用还需要对多媒体数据进行各种灵活的处理和操作.传统的数据处理是在原始数据域进行的,对于普遍存在的压缩形式的多媒体数据,必须先解压缩才能进行相应的处理,这极大地影响了多媒体应用的整体性能和响应速度.在这样的背景下,压缩域多媒体数据的直接处理技术的研究得到了广泛的重视和发展.文中主要从基本概念、研究内容和发展现状等方面对图像数据的压缩域处理技术进行了综述,并对这一领域的发展前景进行了一些有益的探讨.Abstract: To be efficient most of the multimedia data are stored and transferred in their compressed format. However, multimedia applications also require flexible processing of the dare to make full use of them. The traditional methods treat compression and processing separately. As for compressed data, it must be decompressed firstly, which is very ineffective to the overall performance of the multimedia applications. So the compressed-domain processing techniques of multimedia data are addressed to improve the situation. The compressed-domain image processing techniques are discussed in details. Some current problems and important future directions are also presented.