The Exploration of Bilingual Teaching
摘要: 双语教学是适应我国加入WTO的新形势,培养国际交流型高级人才的重要举措之一.文章从分析双语教学的概念入手,通过对双语教学意义、教材等问题的讨论,提出了实施双语教学的模式以及解决双语教学过程中出现问题的建议.Abstract: Bilingual teaching is a new measure to get adapted to the new situation of China's access to WTO, and also an important approach in training specialized talents in international communication. In this paper, based on analyzing the concept of bilingual teaching, the significance and the problem of textbook of bilingual teaching are presented, and the methods and the solution to the problems occurred in implementing bilingual teaching are discussed.