A Study of the Microcomputer Air-Conditioning Energy-Conserving Controller
摘要: 本文介绍的微电脑空调节能控制器是按照文中所述舒适节能机理,应用单板微计算机对调温类空调器采用按时间编程的多值调节方法,达到节能。控制器应用在窗式空调器上,取得节能30%,延长使用寿命20%的实例。Abstract: This paper presents a microcomputer air-conditioning energy-conserving controller. It conserves energy on the basis of the mechanism of conserving energy comfortably. A single-board microcomputer is applied to a temperature regulating air-conditioner to meet the need of energy conservation by means of the multivalue regulating method of programming on time. The controller is applied to a window air-conditioner. It can conserve energy by 30%, and lengthen the service life of the conditioner ay 20%.