
    Effection of Non-Linear Strain Patho on the Onset of Necking for the Metal Sheet Deformed in the 2nd Qundrant of Major-Minor Strain Plane

    • 摘要: 用数学分析的方法推证了由实验与数值分析所得出的有关拉、压应变区内,金属板料在塑性集中失稳发生时所受到的非线性应变路径影响的一般规律,并就在这一应变区内如何得到较大的拉伸应变做了进一步的讨论。


      Abstract: A General rule about the effection of non-linear strain on the onset of necking for the metal sheet deformed in the stretch-compressive strain qundramt, which was get from some author's experiments and digital calculations, is proved by a simple mathematical method in this paper. More analysis is made to discuss the way to get larger stretch strain in metal sheet forming processes.


